Aritma Pay Installation (Version 6.0.1 and newer)

Endret Tue, 12 Sep, 2023 ved 11:08 AM


How to install Aritma Pay for all on-prem integrations. The Installation covers all integrations.
Look her for the technical spesifications for Aritma Pay.

The Installation

  1. Run the Aritma Pay Installer as administrator

  2. Select language.

    3. Read the License Agreement, and click Next. 

4. Select integration (It’s very important that you select the correct integration). 

5. Select where Aritma Pay should be installed. Use UNC file-path. See example: \\SERVERNAME\AritmaPay. Make sure that the user has modify-access to the given directory. 

6. Select the application data-directory. If you need to edit the data-directory after the installation, this is done in the “appDataDir.config” file. You will find this file in the program-directory selected in the previous window.

7. Make sure that you have selected the correct integration, then press install to start the installation. 

8. If it’s a new installation, select “Configure database settings”. If it’s an upgrade this is not needed. 

Note: Microsoft® ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server needs to be installed for all users. 

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